Latino History in Houston

of Hispanics in Houston

A Dream Realized

It was thirty five years ago that the three founders of Latino Learning Center, Inc.
Opened the doors of a modest community center in the east end near downtown Houston. The three year dream of establishing a center to provide. Service to the east end of Houston had been realized.
Now the challenges of a non-profit profit community center were just beginning. We have survived many difficulties and learned many lessons with the knowledge that we were providing services to an area, with many needs to the under privildiged residents of the area and the Hispanic community.
Now we find that after thirty five years of service to the this community we still find ourselves with many of the same, and other challenges.
Surviving in a digital and cyber world has presented new challenges, but with the support and encouragement from our community we feel strongly encouraged to continue addressing the changing environment and needs of our community. The three founders, Frank Orozco, Judge Abraham Ramirez and John Aleman, three Veterans who wanted to give back to the Community to provide solutions to some of our community’s most pressing problems, have with your support, realized that dream. But the dream continues.
As long as people strive and struggle for a better life for their family, the mission of the Latino Learning Center is not complete.
John Alemán

This COVID-19 pandemic, which is not entirely over yet, has led us to reflect that we alone can do nothing, and that we need each other to move forward. We need our faith; we need our families, friends, and authorities; we need health workers, essential workers; in general, we need everyone.
Today I think, above all, of those who have been directly affected by the coronavirus; the sick, those who have died, and the families who mourn the death of their loved ones and who, in some cases, have not even been able to say goodbye to them. May the Lord of life welcome the departed into his kingdom and give comfort and hope to those still going through this trial, especially the elderly and people who are alone.
We want to hear in these times, not words of indifference, selfishness, division, and forgetfulness, but words of love, understanding, solidarity, faith, respect, and support. “This afternoon, we acquired a fundamental right that can never be taken away from us, the right to hope.” We must be messengers of life in times of desolation and death.
Thank you to all those present for being here, especially to those who will be honored for their philanthropic work this afternoon; in this dark stage of humanity, the best of the human heart comes out, and here is the example in these men and women who with their great heart will be deservedly recognized.
The Latino Learning Center has been seen as a ray of hope for our community through these first 43 years, but we cannot do it alone, we need your support and prayers, we need your generosity and your big heart, we need your financial help to move forward; I ask you not to forget us and continue to support us because without you, we will not be able to get ahead.
Thank you for your trust, thank you for your Friendship, and thank you for the respect you have for me; many congratulations, and God bless you.
“At the end of our life, what matters is what we have done for others.”
Rodolfo González
President & CEO